Our mission
We founded troy in order to reinvent debt collection. We are convinced that we can turn debt collection into a positive experience for all those customers who have fallen into arrears through no fault of their own. Since our clients spend thousands to acquire these customers, retaining them is a key goal in our debt collection process. That’s why we treat customers the same way you’ve treated them: as valuable assets!

While customer-friendliness is one of our main values, at our core we are a fintech – a technology company. At our company, our top-notch full-stack developers work with first-class industry specialists to create the debt collection world of the future! With agile methods and “fast-learning” principles, alongside a solid security mindset and a digital factory approach, we developed the troy platform that we use to provide next-level service to our clients.

Compliance at troy
As a legal services provider, there are no compromises when it comes to compliance with laws and industry standards, from the duty to mitigate to the General Data Protection Regulation rules. We therefore rely on highly qualified staff, certified IT systems, advice from renowned legal firms, and quality assurance provided by an external data protection officer with a legal background. You are welcome to form your own opinion of our compliance level at any time within the scope of your contractually assured auditing rights.